โ™ป๏ธLattice Network Components

  • General Account: Each public key/private key pair constructs an account. Each account has its own blockchain recording all engaged transactions. Account owner has authoritative control over transactions related to this account.

  • External-owned Account: When an account owner issues one Smart Contract, the General Account becomes an External-owned Account and simultaneously generates an Internal-owned Account. The External-owned Account holds the ownership of all assets related to this Smart Contract and is able to issue more than one Smart Contracts.

  • Internal-owned Account: The issuance of a Smart Contract from the External-owned Account generates the Internal-owned Account. This new account shares the same feature as the General Account, including Send and Receive. Sending the Public Token to the account will activate an Internal-owned Account and trigger the smart contract execution. The transaction will be recorded in a Transaction Block under the Sender Account and the Smart Contract Account.

  • Transaction Block: General Block recording transactions between general accounts.

  • Smart Contract Block: On top of Transaction Block, Smart Contract Block stores smart contract instances.

  • Transaction Ledger: The ledgerthatrecords general transactions.

  • Asset Ledger: Asset Ledger is used to register network assets and to record asset exchanges.

  • Node: A piece of software running on a computer that conforms to the Lattice Network protocol and participates in the Lattice Network.

  • Storage Node: New added type of node for the input / output data storage in the Smart Contract Instance.

  • Quantum Virtual Machine: A virtual machine exclusively for Lattice Network to compile the Smart Contract into an ABI and to provide a secure environment for deployment

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